When you go through a major loss, face disappointment, or just feel down your likely natural first reaction is to reach out to someone you love. Whether you need a shoulder to cry on, cheering up, or someone who is happy to just sit with you. Essentially, a real friend!
What makes someone a real friend, though? How is it that some friendships stand the test of time and distance and even when you haven’t seen each other for weeks (or months) you still feel as close as ever when you’re together?
The Japanese have a term for it, one that literally translates to family but refers to the bond of friendship – kenzoku. It indicates a deep connection, a kindred spirit, someone whom you share similar desires and commitments with. It’s difficult to form bonds like this, but we can be certain of what signs indicate real friends. Continue reading
According to Gallup, those with a work best friend are more likely to be fully engaged in their work .
Anyone who already has a work best friend knows just how important it is. If you’re not that lucky, don’t worry because even a solid work friend is enough to improve your work satisfaction.
If there isn’t anyone in work that you consider a friend we have some tips to help you forge better relations with your co-workers. Who wouldn’t want to have fun at work like Jim and Pam managed during The Office?
We’re social creatures so it would make sense that we’d want to make friends and experience positive interactions with the people we spend the majority of our time with.
Employers should actively encourage this because it boosts your productivity, too. Of course, building friendships is also healthier than seeing competition everywhere around you which is likely to fuel stress and anxiety. Continue reading
Instead of asking whether your relationship is the issue, start asking yourself whether it is you who is susceptible to dependency. Are you one of those people with a dependent personality?
Or, do you show those traits? If your answer is yes then you are far likely to see those traits cropping up in any relationship that you have.
Let’s take a look at some of the indications that may tell you whether you are too dependent.
You Can’t Make Decisions without Advice or Reassurance
This doesn’t mean huge life decisions that anyone would struggle with, this is everyday decisions that you should be able to make easily. If you struggle with simple decisions because you’re terrified of being wrong then you may be too dependent on others. Continue reading