What comes to your mind when someone mentions hypnosis? Do you think about using this form of therapy for health and wellness, or do you think it’s purely used for entertainment, where volunteers get on stage to be hypnotized?
A couple of decades ago hypnosis for quitting smoking was the latest craze, but what about hypnosis for mental health issues, specifically hypnosis for social anxiety? There is definite merit to this type of treatment style for anxiety issues.
Hypnosis is a form of concentration. Contrary to popular opinion, probably due to the entertainment industry, hypnosis doesn’t cause one to lose consciousness or go into a deep, deep sleep.
One doctor, Dr. Robert London says, “Hypnosis allows the subject to process information in a manner different from the way it is processed in the regular alert state.” If anything, the subject is in a highly alert state creating more focused concentration. Continue reading
Those with social anxiety definitely know the hardships when confronted with their own fears of threatening situations.
However, what if something as simple as meditation could be immensely helpful? What if taking just a few minutes a day to practice meditation exercises could change your whole world?
Meditation has been around for centuries. This isn’t anything new, however it is incredibly underused.
Often times people with social anxiety opt for pharmaceutical intervention, and sadly alcohol, in an effort to overcome their irrational fears.
Whereas meditation for social anxiety might be the easiest, least expensive and most effective treatment. Continue reading
We know, generally speaking, a healthy lifestyle leads to overall wellness physically but we far too often overlook the tremendous effects this same lifestyle has on our mental health. The brain works with the help of your body’s circulatory system and endocrine system and is actually part of the nervous system.
Therefore, it is safe to say that vitamins and nutrition are beneficial to both mental and physical wellness.
If you have high blood pressure the doctor will most likely tell you to watch your salt intake. If you have cholesterol issues your doctor probably encouraged healthier eating habits and recommended you stay away from greasy, fatty foods. Nutrition standards are used to help with physical wellness.
What if you could also use vitamins and minerals to aid in stabilizing mental health issues like social anxiety? You can look after your mental health, as easily as you do your physical health. Continue reading