If you or someone you know has been afflicted with social anxiety, it can be terrifying, debilitating and down-right life-changing. It’s why people look for ways to overcome it.
Big Pharma puts in our hands the “guaranteed” relief from our ailments in the form of ingestible chemicals. The problem with that is there are side effects. Medication side effects may be more horrendous than the “fix” they provide, in some cases.
After all, who really wants to deal side effects, when they are just trying to leave the house without feeling overwhelmed?
Thankfully, there are several natural ways to help overcome social anxiety. You don’t necessarily need to rely on pharmaceutically engineered remedies to be the solution. Let’s look at a few other options that are healthy, effective and some of them are even free. Continue reading
You may have jokingly said, “I’ll be in my fort coloring if you need me,” but there’s an underlying truth to this joke: Sometimes you need to shut out the world to focus on you. You’re a limited resource and unless you take time to renew yourself, you will quickly get burned out. Let’s explore the fun world that awaits you in coloring.
“Coloring Therapy”
Coloring is a type of therapy. As such, it often gets confused with “art therapy”, which is a more involved process that depends on the relationship between a client and therapist.
However, coloring helps to reduce anxiety, provide focus, mental clarity, a break from negative thoughts and behaviors, provides an alternative method to meditation, improves reality orientation, foster self-awareness, explore feelings and a host of other benefits. Continue reading
Do you find yourself feeling stressed and tense, to the point that you feel you’re going to burst? Pull out a coloring book, seriously.
What might have once seemed like a leisure activity for elementary school-aged children has now become one of the hottest trends in terms of stress reduction.
Here are some ways that coloring can help reduce stress in your life:
If you’ve looked into cures for stress, you’ve likely read about or practiced meditation. In a mindfulness meditation practice, you work to alleviate stress by sitting in quiet solitude, observing your breath. By focusing on your breath, you can reduce the power of thoughts. Continue reading