If you’re feeling a bit silly, confused, or even a little embarrassed to begin coloring as an adult, put those fears to the side. Adult coloring is simple, it’s fun, and it’s beneficial to your mind and your health.
Getting started is the hardest part. Once you realize just how peaceful and calm coloring makes you feel, you’ll be recommending it to everyone you know as a way of relaxing and focusing on what’s good in life. Here’s how you get started.
Buy a Few Supplies
You don’t need anything fancy to begin coloring. You can get a piece of blank paper, a crayon or some colored pencils, and you can color. You don’t need a picture because you can draw something and color it. Continue reading
As a child, coloring was just a fun learning activity. Adults have come to realize that coloring has many soothing benefits in a world full of stresses.
Relaxing with a coloring book is simple. Grab a child’s coloring book from the dollar store, open a fresh box of crayons and begin. If you want a more adult feeling when you color, here are some suggestions that may help:
Coloring Page Choices
You don’t have to settle for a juvenile coloring book. Today there are fantastic adult coloring books with geometric patterns, beautiful pictures and intricate designs.
Choose a wonderful geometric design and color each repeating block a different color. Decide to create repeating color schemes (squares are blue, circles are orange) or do a picture in all pastel colors. Continue reading
Adult coloring is not a new concept, but it’s one many people aren’t sure they understand. Sure, coloring is fun. It reminds you of a simpler time in your life when you were a child and coloring was a fun pastime. Now it’s an escape, and it reminds you of the joy found in simplicity.
What you might not know is coloring in an adult coloring book is more than a fun pastime. It’s a mental break filled with benefits designed to help you ease stress.
Adult Coloring Calms You
Have you heard of amygdala? If not, you’ve certainly heard of a fight or flight response. This is what happens when you’re overwhelmed, overworked, and anxious. It gets worked up and leaves you feeling panicked. Coloring helps calm the amygdala, which can help you focus on a more positive life experience. Continue reading