What we believe and think will project through to how we live our lives. Too many people don’t believe this. They often attribute their misfortunes to fate or chance. While there are some elements of this within our lives, how we think can alter our future.
If you are a negative thinking person, you won’t see solutions where they exist. You will knock down any idea that comes your way, thinking it is not possible. Conversely, when you keep a positive outlook, every idea has the potential to become a solution. You will find the path much quicker than when you don’t accept any ideas.
These scenarios of positive and negative thinking, play out for people over and over. Positive people advance where negative people stay in one place or even fall behind. Continue reading
Self-reflection seems to be a dying art. People either feel they don’t have the time or that it’s a waste of time. Others are afraid to take a good, long, hard look at themselves. This is a mistake, because there is so much to be gained by examining yourself and your past.
Self-reflection provides many advantages that can make life easier:
You Learn About Yourself
Most people are shockingly low in self-awareness. Some people are too busy, or at least they think they are. Others would prefer to distract themselves rather than spend one second in self-reflection.
However, there’s much to be learned by taking a few minutes each day and reviewing your day, the choices you made, the positives and the negatives. Continue reading
You must have noticed how some people just seem to have the knack of getting things done. They will say something like, ‘I am going to start exercising next year’, and they do! Yet when you try, it’s another story.
You stick to it for a bit and then somehow it all falls flat. It can very easily make you discouraged and frustrated. You need to develop good habits that stick, to motivate you. Look at these helpful tips and apply them to see how you fare:
Start Small
Most people want to plunge in at the deep end and change things overnight, but if you want to be successful, it is best to start small and build up because sustaining positive habit does take a lot of willpower. Research shows that willpower is like a muscle, once you use it, it gets tired, and when it’s tired it wants to stop. Continue reading