When you’re lonely, it’s easy to become focused on how you feel. You feel sad and you keep waiting for someone to connect with you.
But, what if you flipped the script? What if instead of waiting for someone to reach out, you took that first step?
The truth is you may not be the only one feeling lonely in your community. In fact, you’re probably surrounded by more than one person who longs for connection.
It might be the single parent who lives down the street, the manager who works in your office, or the teenager who’s being bullied at school.
But you can make a difference. You can turn your loneliness into an invitation. Consider doing one of these three activities next time you’re feeling lonely… Continue reading
Sometimes, it’s not possible to invite others into your home to show hospitality. This could be due to a loved one who is ill, a home renovation project, or any number of reasons.
But just because you can’t have people over it, it doesn’t mean you have to give up on hospitality altogether. In fact, there are plenty of ways to show hospitality that don’t require opening up your home. Here a few ideas to get you started…
Deliver an Edible Treat
This treat can be a batch of cookies baked in your kitchen or a delicious dessert from your favorite bakery. You can also go healthy by bringing a fruit basket or a satisfying smoothie that you made yourself. Continue reading
The holidays can bring up feelings of loneliness, even if you have strong bonds with family and friends. But the holidays are also a great time of year to show love and kindness toward others.
If you don’t know where to start, consider those who often go thankless. Their jobs may be seemingly small or even demeaning. But your kind words and thoughtful deeds can make a big difference.
Consider Overlooked Employees
One holiday season, Kendra stood in line at a local store, waiting to pay for her Christmas gifts. She was in a long line for over twenty minutes and many of the customers were complaining or rude.
When it was Kendra’s turn to pay for her purchases, she noticed the young woman who was scanning her items looked frazzled and worn out. She felt her heart go out to the woman so she greeted her kindly and asked how her day was going. Continue reading