To stop the self-defeating behavior that is people pleasing we need a new mindset, a complete flip of the scripts that run in your head.
Instead of “She going to think…” or “He’s going to say…” We need to start focusing on, “I think…” I say…,” and I believe….”
It is all about forming a healthy relationship with yourself, your ideas, and your opinions. By gaining confidence in you, you can overcome the need to please others and finally stop worrying about what others think.
1 – It’s Ridiculous
Think about how ridiculous it is to care about some stranger’s on the street opinion of you? You’ve never seen them before and you will never see them again.
Often, these are the people’s opinions that are easiest to let go of, versus a critical parent, long-time friend or someone else you are close to.
Here is a little exercise that can break the pattern. Put on an outfit that does not match at all, polka dot sweater, striped pants, and purple sneakers, and throw an orange wig on your head and take a stroll on a busy street.
Put on your biggest fake smile and wave at people who stare, laugh, or point at you.
Do your best to push aside all the feelings and panic that you may feel, and just do it. Keep positive talking to yourself with positive statements, such as
- Who cares that they are laughing
- Who cares that they are staring, what difference does it make to me
- Their opinions are irrelevant
- I am confident
- I like myself
- I am being me
Keep doing it to desensitize yourself, fake it, until you take that walk without really caring at all what others are thinking.
2 – You Can’t Please Everyone – Only Yourself
Please realize that it is a fruitless attempt to please everyone, because you never will. There will always be someone or more than just one someone who does not like your hair, your dress, or your opinion. There will always be judgements. There is no possible way to prevent this and you have no control over what they say or do.
What you can control is whether you let it affect you, and whether you live your life based on your own terms or if you continue to be an actor in your life.
3 – Imagine the Freedom
Imagine the freedom of not giving a flying fig about what people think. It is like that jail cell door opening and being let free. Imagine this for a moment. The cuffs are unlocked, the chains are off, and there you are, free! You can wear whatever you like, do your hair as you like, say what is on your mind, live life on your own terms, be yourself ALL THE TIME.
4 – We’re Not That Special
Ah, the human ego. Often, we place an inappropriate amount of importance on our own selves. In reality, people have little time to worry about you, many are either worried about what you think of them, and their own shortcomings, or they are busy living their lives, after all, social media updates are waiting.
In the mind of a people pleaser the concept of being constantly watched and judged becomes over inflated, when in reality, few people really care.
5 – Get To Know You
In order to see and appreciate yourself through your own eyes it’s important to get to know yourself.
Who are you really? What do you like?
What makes you happy? What’s important to you in life?
What are you goals? What inspires you? What are your opinions?
What would I do if I never had to worry about being judged by others?
What are your values?
Make a list, a long list and keep adding to it as you think about this more and more.
Once you get in touch with who you really are and what really matters to you, you will become much less obsessed with what others think. To put it simply, you will get a life!
Knowing your values will give you something real to stand up for, you will no longer succumb to peer pressure, and you will stop saying yes to everyone and everything just because that’s what you think they want to hear.
6 – Spend Time Alone
One of the best ways to get in touch with who you really are and begin to live life from that standpoint is to spend time alone. Introspection requires quiet, and when you are by yourself, in quiet you can really get in touch with your own real self, and your deepest needs. Meditation is very effective to this end, though walking alone and getting lost in yourself works too.
7 – Make a Worst Case List
Get into a quiet space and start brainstorming. Write down the worst-case scenarios in regards to what others think and what is holding you back from being yourself or doing what you want to do.
What is the worst that can happen? Write it out in detail.
- For example, if you wear the red dress that you believe will not be well received by your sister, what will happen?
- If you should state political views that counter your friend’s or brother’s opinions, what will happen?
- If you go to the free weights section in the gym, where all the male bodybuilders dwell, what will happen?
- What is the absolute worst thing that can happen if you…?
What intimidates you?
What’s holding you back from doing the things you want to do?
What stops you from stating your opinion?
Do you think they will like you less?
Will the world end?
All of these answers will give you a clear picture of what stops you from being real, and doing what you want.
In the end, the truth is the judgmental and ignorant people of the world are jerks to put it mildly, and who really cares what they think or say? Are these the people that you will allow to dictate your life?
In regards to the people close to you, if they stop liking you because of a dress, an opinion or your hair, then are these the types of people you need to have in your life? Probably not.
You can use this exercise in your daily life. Whenever you hesitate to be yourself, ask yourself, “what is the worst than can happen?” Unravel the overblown and unrealistic fears that dwell in your head, bust them wide open so you can face them.
8 – Understand Judgmental People
You know the old saying, “Remember, when you point a finger at someone, there are three more pointing back at you,” is 100% true.
Judgmental people who criticize and point fingers are not really judging you, but themselves. These are unhappy people with miserable lives and their judgements and commentary are a reflection of themselves, and not of you.
9 – You Only Get One Life
You know, you can choose to be happy.
You can choose to live your own life.
You can choose to say bye-bye to negativity.
You can choose you.
All of us are heading towards the same ending to our stories, death. This is a fact of life, which while can be daunting and scary, can also be liberating.
It really puts things in perspective.
Life is short, why waste it caring what other people think, would you not rather be grateful on your deathbed that you lived a life that was true to yourself.
10 – Learn From the Masters
Spend time with and surround yourself with those who have mastered being themselves, are self-assured and don’t care what other people think.
Have you ever watched anyone speak their mind and not waver no matter how others reacted? Did you notice their confidence and conviction? They will show you how it’s done, time and again.
You might be surprised to see the respect these people get for being honest and direct even when others may disagree with their views and how good they feel about living a life that is truly theirs.
11 – Remove All Negative and Toxic Sources from Your Life
Toxic people breed toxicity, they are negative, and their negativity seeps into everything in their life and all who are around them. You know that person who always has something negative to say, some nasty hateful comment to make about someone or something. These people wear you down, and you usually dread being around them.
It’s time to let them go! Immediately! The truth is that you cannot make anyone stop being mean, hateful or negative, but you certainly can control whether or not they are in your life.
12 – Make a Trust List
Consider and make a list of those people who are most important to you in the world, and then make a list of those who you care little about.
- The first list should include those people whose opinion really matters to you (these should be the people that don’t judge or criticize)
- The second list should be your, “I don’t give a flying fig what they think list.” (start this list with strangers)
The people who are on your trust list should of course be those who are loving, kind, are supportive of you, and have your best interests in mind.
It is freeing to break free from caring what others think, but of course, there are certain opinions you will and should care about, especially when it comes to confidences when seeking advice. We all need people to talk to.
Keep the lists handy and refer to them often.
13 – Stop Chasing the Irrelevant
Are you always chasing after those who don’t like you? This is a typical dysfunction in humanity as so many of us want what we can’t have.
Instead of being concerned with those who don’t like you, spend your energy and time making sure you like yourself so you can be the best you and not only for yourself, but also for those who do like you.
14 – Change Your Self-Talk
Have you ever stopped to wonder why you expect people to think bad things about you? Often, when we care what people think it’s because we always expect something negative. This can be an indicator of how you feel about yourself and your own insecurities.
In addition, we may assume the worst and completely block out the good in various situations, while only paying attention to the bad.
Pay attention to your thought process, and start to change your own self-talk away from the negative towards the positive.
For example, instead of “Oh God, they’re going to think I look fat in this dress,” to “Wow, I am going to wow them with this dress, I look great.”
At first, this will be difficult and you won’t really believe it, but in time with repetition, it will become habit and you will believe it!
15 – Ditch Perfectionism
Some have the idea that being perfect means being admired and liked.
First, no one is perfect and never will be.
Second, it’s a really exhausting effort. You are better off spending that time and energy getting in touch with your REAL self and stop being an actor in your own life.
16 – Accept Vulnerability
No matter what you do in life, you will never truly escape vulnerability. This is especially true when you begin to put your real self out there, and start to let go of what others think. This freedom includes the risk of being vulnerable, but the rewards are plentiful.
17 – Be Your Own Friend
Do you realize that if you live your life from the standpoint of worry and anxiety of what others think that you are not really practicing self care or even being a friend to yourself. In fact, in many ways this is not only self-defeating, but also self-abusing.
The pressure and the shame that is associated with this cycle is certainly not anything that serves you.
Consider this, if you saw a friend that you love treating herself or himself this way would you be compelled to intervene?
18 – Be Ready for Confrontation
Maybe the most difficult part in making this change is the actual interactions you might have with people as a result. Consider if you always say yes or agree with others because you worry so much that, they won’t like you or might be upset with you otherwise, once you start to do so there will be conflict that you will have to face.
For example, you are at lunch with a friend and she comments on some controversy and you don’t agree, you think something totally different, so for once you speak up and state your own opinion, and she reacts negatively.
Perhaps, she gets irked that you don’t agree or possibly berates your opinion (by the way, this is a good test of whether this is a person to have or not have in your life) or you go into that old panic – “Oh no she’s not going to like this.”
This will happen, and you must be ready for it. If you can, role play all possible scenarios with a trusted person so you can get comfortable being in that moment. Plan and practice how you will hold your ground.
Don’t worry if you waver or make mistakes, such as succumbing to the pressure of agreeing. Stating and sticking with your opinion is more difficult than just worrying about people liking your dress or your hairdo – the main point is that you pick yourself up and keep going.
Likely, when you do flop back to old habits you will feel disappointed with yourself, and that you let yourself down, so use these feelings to keep moving forward. Notice how bad it feels, it likely make you angry with yourself, use this to do better next time, it can be a powerful motivator.
19 – Get Help
If all of this seems like too much, or you found yourself struggling, then by all means get help. A therapist can help you work through any roadblocks you may face to reveal the real you. This is especially helpful if childhood trauma blocks the path to freeing yourself from the chains of worrying about other people’s judgments. Reach out for help as it is well worth it to end the vicious cycle and suffering so you can live your own life.
20 – Put Yourself Out There
Okay, here is a scary one, but YOU CAN DO IT. Begin to put the above steps and all that you have learned into action. Put your REAL self out there, as this is the ideal way to acclimate yourself to a whole new mindset!
Be real
Be honest
Be your REAL self
Face the world head on
Forgive any slips and keep pushing forward
You only get one life, NOW MAKE IT YOUR OWN!
Final Thoughts
The more you practice your newfound freedom, the more confidence you will gain, as you begin to focus on and appreciate you, instead of worrying and focusing on what others think.
With time, you will find it easier and easier, as you see the sky will not fall when you are your real self and you being to feel empowered and proud.
You only have one life; don’t you want to be your own?
Life is a bumpy journey of ups and downs, hills and valleys, and roller coaster rides –pick your cliché. One of the keys to survival is the evolution of learning how to love yourself.
Although it may sometimes feel as though we are puppets at the mercy of others in our lives, the truth is that only we hold the key to our happiness. Treating ourselves can genuinely improve our self-motivation, joy, and mental health.
So, the question becomes, what will you do to treat yourself better? Not sure where to start? Here are 50 places to start:
1- Permit Yourself to Make Mistakes
There is a Japanese proverb that states “fall down seven times, stand back up.” One way to treat yourself better is to permit yourself to make mistakes. You will fall down a few times after making these mistakes, but dust yourself off and get back up. Learn from your mistakes. They truly are a fantastic way to learn and grow as a person.
2 – Journal Like Crazy
Write down your innermost thoughts and reflect! Do not be afraid to capture what makes you angry, what makes you sad and what makes you happy. The term journaling probably takes you back to grade school or middle school when your teacher told you to capture your thoughts for the week. However, journaling has multiple benefits including:
- Stress reduction
- Decreases feelings of depression
- Anxiety management
Journaling can assist you prioritizing your feelings, tracking day-to-day symptoms, negative thoughts and behaviors. Your journal can support your efforts to track those triggers behind your negative beliefs and practices while also identifying what translates to a positive experience.
Journal can also serve as a method to help you identify personal goals and set up an action plan for achieving your goals.
Tips for journaling include (University of Rochester Medical Center):
- Try to journal each day. Journaling each day will help you to form a healthy habit even if just for a few minutes.
- Keep your entries simple. You might consider purchasing a journal or documenting your thoughts in a safe computer file
- Write what feels right at the moment. Your journal is yours, and there is no specific template you must follow.
- Do what you want with your journal. You can choose to share your journal or keep it private since it will house your private thoughts.
3 – Love Yourself
Love yourself has 1,001 meanings. In this context, it merely means to appreciate who you are as an individual. Recognize that you are the only version of you in this world and it is okay to be you. You do not have to be anyone else.
4 – Only Compete with Yourself
Do not worry about keeping up with the Joneses,’ Williams,’ Smiths’ or Richards.’ Just stay in competition with yourself to be the best possible you. That statement may seem easier said than done, but you are the only one who knows his or her exact set of beliefs, values, and goals. You define the metric of what success looks like in three, five or ten years.
Rather than falling into the trap of competing with other people, you have a real chance to set your own goals for yourself and celebrate each success along the way, setting new goals as you take a step forward.
5 – Do Not Look for Approval to Be Who You Are
Do not seek the approval of others to be yourself. Accept who you are and push forward with your agenda.
6 – Follow Your Gut
Follow your gut. Yes, knowing when to trust your gut can feel uneasy at times, but your intuition will keep you out of trouble if you allow it to do so. Your intuition is not likely to steer you wrong. Consider it to be the top tier of your decision-making tree. When everything else seems too reasonable to be true, open the channels to your intuition and use the moment as another building block for establishing trust with yourself.
7 – Indulge in Your Favorite Hobby
Hobbies can be therapeutic whether you love playing in the dirt and caring for your garden or acting as the self-proclaimed family genealogist. Hobbies are a wonderful way to give yourself a bit of joy!
8 – Give Yourself Permission to Say ‘No’
Do not feel like you have to say ‘yes’ to everything. Sure, the desire to be polite may feel like the right thing to do, but for your sanity and physical health, it may be in your best interest to say ‘no.’ Saying no will not make you a negative person, but instead it will help you fulfill your quest to be a happy person.
9 – Be Kind
Saying ‘no’ does not mean you cannot still be a kind person. Look for ways to be kind to yourself and others. It might surprise how easy it is to treat others with kindness.
10 – Meditate
Everyone deserves 10 minutes of quiet and calm and self-centeredness. Find a quiet place and meditate. Meditate. Meditate. Meditation offers a combination of multiple benefits including the following:
- Enhances focus
- Lowers blood pressure
- Reduces stress
- Relaxes your muscles
- Slows aging and memory loss
- Improves breathing
- Boosts positive feelings
- Decreases pain
- Enhances immunity
Meditate. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you for it.
11 – Be Your Own Best Friend
We all talk to ourselves at one time or another. Why not do it as your own best friend? Wouldn’t a good friend look after your best interests? He or she would never let you walk into the middle of a busy intersection without trying to pull you back. As your own best friend, don’t forget to show yourself a little love.
12 – Have Some Self-Compassion
This list of ways to appreciate who you are encompassing of the three pillars of self-compassion which include common humanity, mindfulness, and self-kindness.
- Common Humanity – When we have a common humanity, we have an acceptance that our feelings of inadequacy and disappointment are
- Mindfulness – Meditation is a great way to help you examine your thoughts and drivers behind the reasons you do what it is you do. Mindfulness occurs when we give focus to experiences or situations as they happen at the moment and can objectively examine our thoughts and feelings without giving judgment.
- Self-Kindness – Self-kindness allows us to forgive ourselves and be our own biggest cheerleader or entourage of reassurance and kind words.
13 – Make Plans to Do Nothing
Sometimes the easiest way to treat ourselves better is to make plans to do absolutely nothing. Set aside 10 minutes or –if you can, a full day to do absolutely nothing that requires you to give more than you care to of yourself!
14 – Write Down Your Goals then Go For It!
Jot down three goals you have for the year and start making plans now on ways to achieve them.
15 – Pay Yourself a Compliment
Look in the mirror and deliver a healthy round of compliments. No one else may get the chance to do it, so why not spend thirty seconds a day paying yourself a few praises. You deserve it!
16 – Like Yourself
Learn to love and like yourself. Each day find a new reason to like yourself for being you. Also, consider doing these six things:
- Abandon regret
- Reboot your self-esteem
- Confront your weaknesses but don’t let them define you
- Celebrate your accomplishments
- Look for ways to be the better person
- Own who you are (good and bad)
17 – Go to the Doctor
Stay on top of your annual visits to the doctor. Get your yearly physicals, immunizations, and preventative screenings that apply to your gender and age group.
18 – Take Care of Your Teeth
Just as you take care of your body, you have to take care of your teeth. Those pearly whites can have a direct impact on your entire health. You should plan to make at least one trip to the dentist each year or every six months for a cleaning.
19 – Ditch the Toxic People in Your Life
Get rid of the negative influencers in your life. They are undoubtedly holding you back. It is a big step, but there are a few tips that you can deploy to navigate the situation successfully.
- Establish Your Boundaries – You have to draw the line somewhere. Know what you will and cannot tolerate. Recognize the actions or behaviors that affect you.
- Do Not Wait for These People to Change – If these toxic individuals in your life do not show any signs that they can or will change, do not stick around to see if it will happen.
- Recognize When Someone is Project their Failures on You – Not everyone handles their shortcomings very well. Your success can feel like a punch in the gut for them. Do not allow others inability to celebrate your victory be the catalyst for bringing you down.
- Beware of the Controllers – Keep an eye out for those who seek to control or manipulate you.
20 – Bring on the Positive
After you ditch the negative, naysayers, surround yourself with positive people who share your vision, beliefs, and values. Look for those who want to give and receive unconditional love and respect.
21 – Allow Yourself to Dream Big
Your dreams do not have to be small because they make other people uncomfortable. Allow yourself to dream big without judgment or reservations.
22 – Take Naps
Sleep is a must-have activity for our bodies to function. It is a necessary rejuvenation and replenishment of our internal clock. According to the Sleep Foundation, short naps (20-30 minutes) provide significant benefits for improved alertness, mood, and overall performance without leaving you feeling foggy.
23 – Binge Watch a Series You Have Never Seen
Get your favorite healthy snacks and drinks ready. Treat yourself to a binge-watching event of a series on Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime.
24 – Go to a Movie
Get off the couch and get out of the house and treat yourself to a movie. Sitting alone in the movie theater can deliver a sense of freedom.
25 – Indulge in a Bit of Culture
Whether your roots are steeped in European, Native American, African, Asian, South Pacific or Middle Eastern culture take a little time to get out and learn more about your culture. This exploration may take you on a fancy vacation or just a few blocks to the museum or a journey to a small-town festival.
26 – Become a Local Tourist
Do you know all there is to know about your local area? Get out check out the things that make your city or surrounding area unique.
27 – Donate Your Old Clothes
Your closet and drawers are probably full of old clothes and shoes you are no longer wearing. Get rid of the old stuff you no longer wear or fit and go shopping.
28 – Retail Therapy
Joke about it if you must, but retail therapy is absolutely a rewarding way to treat yourself. According to U.S. News, retail therapy may not help cure aggressive thoughts swimming around in your head, but it may help to boost your mood.
From fashion to electronics, shopping is a fantastic fix when done in moderation. If your budget is a concern, you can always take steps to be strategic about your shopping experience.
29 – Treat Yourself to a Tasty Meal or Treat
Go out to your favorite restaurant and indulge in your favorite dish or order a decadent dessert. On a budget, keep it simple with a tasty chocolate bar or prepare a favorite meal at home.
30 – Learn Something New
Take a little time to learn something new. Change things up by opening yourself up to a new world. Stimulate your mind by reading a different book, learn a new language or take a cooking class.
31 – Do Not Limit Your Thinking
Look for new ways to broaden your mind and avoid falling into the trap of right or wrong thoughts. There five mental habits in our lives that Psychology Today identifies as having a direct impact on our intellectual functioning.
- Brooding – We have an unfortunate habit of repeating upsetting events in our minds over and over again, and these events can have a direct impact on our intellectual approach to problem-solving.
- Unresolved Guilt – Generally speaking, when we feel guilty about an action or behavior on our part, we apologize those affected by our decisions; but what happens when a moment slips away from us? Failure to address guilty feelings about past events can have damaging effects on the way we attempt to navigate an issue.
- Ineffective Complaining – Think about the last time you felt frustrated about an event that transpired at home or work. You probably called a good friend to vent your frustrations. According to Psychology Today, when we spin our wheels repeating stories like this one to someone who cannot provide resolution, our frustration grows, and as a result, our ability to think dissipates effectively.
- Overanalyzing Rejection – Rejection creates a natural set of emotional responses within each of us. Another unfortunate side effect is that it can cause us to question ourselves and our thinking.
- Worrying – Do you find yourself worrying about what others might say or think? Worrying can wreak havoc on our mental wellbeing and capacity to think freely. The only way around it is to think through all possible scenarios and outcomes so that you can see yourself to the other side.
32 – Enjoy the Good Weather
Take a break and go outside on the sunny, pleasant days. Most of us spend the better part of our lives locked behind closed doors working for eight to ten hours or more per day. Try eating lunch outside on the mild days or going for a short walk. Rainy days can bring us down, but the serotonin flowing through our body prefers the sunny days.
33 – Build Your Playlist
Music is good therapy, and an uplifting playlist can do wonders for the psyche. Music promotes positive health. It helps our body to release endorphins, helping to not only improve our mood but boost creativity.
Get your list of top 20 songs and prepare to play it in loop mode.
34 – Go to Bed Early
One of the best ways to treat yourself is an early night to bed. While your mind may be racing our shoulders heavy, you have the option to make a list and put it off for a later time. Everything can wait until tomorrow.
35 – Get a Better Job
Do not settle for an unhappy work environment or career. Ideally, our work environment should be a place of creativity and professional growth. However, work environments can also prove to be dysfunctional or even downright toxic. Treat yourself better by moving into a new career and accepting a new challenge.
36 – Be Spontaneous
Planning or just doing what it is you always do can weigh you down. Why not be spontaneous and do something that is entirely out of the ordinary?
37 – Take a Vacation
Take a vacation to a dream destination or a weekend getaway substitute. A getaway can be an extraordinary treat, granting us the opportunity to see and do new things.
38 – Find Ways to Laugh
The old cliché says that laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes we all need a happy giggle. Find a friend who makes you laugh or go to a movie. Lucky enough to live near a comedy club? Catch a show. Also, learn to laugh at yourself.
39 – Get a Massage
Massages are relaxing and can provide relief from the pains of stress and tension. Research shows that a 60-minute massage can lower cortisol levels by upwards of 30 percent. This side effect, in turn, can help to increase serotonin, a mood-enhancing chemical in our body (mayoclinic.org).
40 – Create a Bit of Bedroom Magic
Not that kind of magic! Invest in a bit of new bedding! New sheets, drapes, comforters, and pillows can do a lot to lift your mood, and it’s a lovely way to treat yourself. Don’t forget to spray a dash of lavender in the air to make the ambiance complete.
41 – Make Time for the Things You Love
Treat yourself by making time for the things you love. We all have those things that make us feel good about ourselves whether it’s going for a hike, driving in the countryside or playing words with friends for seven hours straight. Take time to do those things you enjoy most.
42 – Volunteer Your Time
Volunteer your time to help others. One of the best ways to treat yourself is to give to others. Find a volunteer opportunity in your community, nationally, or internationally to support. The personal reward you receive may surprise you.
43 – Don’t Skip a Meal
We have a terrible habit of putting everything and everyone ahead of ourselves which can lead to missing meals. Make time to eat healthy meals or keep a healthy snack nearby so that you do not harm your body by missing out on nourishment.
44 – Splurge!
Do not be afraid to splurge on the good stuff from time to time. Many of us live under the umbrella of a budget most days of the week. Do not hesitate to upgrade or buy the good stuff as a treat for yourself.
45 – You are Worth It
Make yourself #1 in some of your decisions. While family, friends or career may take a front seat in our decision-making process, remember that it’s okay to put yourself in the front of some decisions.
46 – Find Your Path to Forgiveness
Find your path to forgiveness by forgiving yourself and others. Forgiveness is not acceptance, but it is the path to granting yourself the right to move forward with your life.
47 – Know Your Strengths
It is our natural tendency to focus on our weaknesses but treat yourself well each day by focusing on your strengths.
48 – Stand Up for Your Beliefs
Do not allow others to silence you every time your opinion differs from others. While the thought of taking such a bold move might seem intimidating a room full of people, you will have to take a stand and give yourself a voice.
Slow down to share your thoughts. You may have to do this a few times to help people understand who it is you wish for others to treat you, but do not cower. Find your inner, assertive self and prepare to become your most prominent advocate and do not feel like you have to apologize.
49 – Send a Motivational Message
Send a motivational text to a friend or family member to brighten their day. Simply motivating others will help to make you feel good.
50 – Take Up Coloring
Adult coloring books can be incredibly relaxing and therapeutic. They can clear your mind of unnecessary clutter while also helping you to sort out a few decisions mentally.
These are just 50 ways to treat yourself better. Self-care is an absolute must. It is easy for our day-to-day lives to leave us feeling stressed, overworked and underappreciated. These 50 actions can help us reclaim control of our physical, emotional, and mental well-being.
Even us Aspie women can sometimes become too busy and often overwhelmed with the responsibilities of life – imagined or real. As a matter of fact, some tasks that would not adversely affect a normie can absolutely drain the life out of me.
This can lead to aspie women experiencing depression, anxiety, or just a general feeling that you are worn out. Besides how it affects us personally, being worn out also means that your performance and attentiveness to all you have to do will suffer.
Irritation becomes more intense as we feel overwhelmed and unable to deal with the stressors of the day.
Everyone is different, and each individual has different ideas about how to find time to for ‘me’. This is a guide to how make some ‘me’ time. The solutions below are not the only ones but may give you some ideas of how to find space and time in your life. Continue reading