Living in the high-stress, fast-paced life of our contemporary, western world leaves you with little time for yourself. One of the best things you can do in your precious free time is to cultivate the art of letting go.
Letting go is an art form and indeed, a science that is more commonplace in eastern cultures where meditation is practiced and where materialism does not exist in the same way it does here.
People may possess very little “stuff” and yet their inner happiness and calm is testimony to the quality of their inner life.
How do they do that?
Our Fleeting Existence
Cultural mindsets in India and Tibet, Thailand and Vietnam, for example, are more aware of the limitations of our mortal existence, how temporary our existence is, and how, as the Tibetan Buddhists say, “Death can come at any time.” Continue reading
If you grew up in an abusive environment, or were with an abusive partner, then your brain has been wired so that you likely do not feel very good about yourself.
In fact, your self-esteem and self-confidence will be in tatters and you will believe you are responsible for other people’s mistakes and misdemeanors. You will have learned how to be your own worst enemy and your inner critic will be having a field day telling you how awful you are.
The good news is that it is possible to reprogram your brain and with consistency and commitment to the process, you can actually grow new neural pathways that follow much healthier and more self-loving patterns of thinking.
Here’s how to do it: Continue reading
Sometimes it’s hard to stay optimistic. It’s easy to lose hope when life throws challenging situations in front of you. However, a strong individual will remain optimistic no matter the situation.
Having a positive outlook on life isn’t something you’re born with, it’s something that you learn over time. Try incorporating the following 5 habits into your everyday life in order to become more optimistic.
Ask Yourself the Right Questions
The most important habit that you need to develop in order to have an optimistic mindset is to ask yourself the right questions. When you face a certain situation, you should never observe it from a negative standpoint. For example, when you’re facing a challenging situation, you shouldn’t ask yourself a question like: “Why do bad things constantly keep happening to me.” That’s something a pessimist would ask. Continue reading