Have you ever felt like your day was made up of a series of interruptions and distractions? It’s difficult to look away as texts stream in, emails ping your phone, and you’re blasted with last minute questions and requests.
How on earth can you stay focused when you’re constantly bombarded with information? The modern world is a minefield of interruptions. It’s no wonder that things are slipping through the cracks without us even noticing.
If you’re ready to put a stop to all of that, and regain your focus- then you’re going to need to work on your daily habits.
Here are some practical methods to stay focused and handle whatever life may throw at you. Continue reading
In our ever-busy lives, we tend to put others and even tasks before ourselves. This results in depression, weariness, and fatigue. It drains our energy and our spirit. However, once you start choosing yourself, a magical change takes place.
We often wrongly think of taking ourselves into consideration as selfish, but those are two different things.
Taking care of yourself and your needs is not selfish, but rather extremely necessary. In this article, we hope to inspire you to start choosing you every single day of your life.
The Difference Between Choosing Yourself and Being Selfish
Choosing yourself on a daily basis is not selfish, but rather closer to self-care. By choosing to put yourself first when it’s necessary, you’re making the responsible and well-thought out choice to take care of yourself in a way that is necessary to ensure your health and positive quality of life. Continue reading
Choosing yourself is a crucial part of your success and happiness in life. Many mistaken this choice/trait for selfishness. To explain this confusion: selfish people always choose themselves, but those who choose themselves aren’t always being selfish.
Choosing you simply means that you put yourself first when it’s necessary; you take your own health and feelings into consideration and, when necessary, you put those feelings and needs over the wants of others.
People who are merely selfish always put their needs and wants over the needs of others. So how can you start to choose yourself?
1 – Stop and Think Before You Just Say Yes Out of Politeness
One of the most important and significant first steps towards choosing yourself on a daily basis is putting an end to the bad habit of saying yes to everything. Continue reading