A panic attack is a fast onset of emotions such as anxiety or intense fear. An attack can be debilitating. Having one can manifest as physical ailments, too. Some people will begin to shake and have trouble concentrating. Others may cry uncontrollably.
Panic attacks can cause nausea and dizziness, pressing chest pain and tachycardia. Many people who suffer from them report feeling as if they’re going to die. These attacks can be extremely frightening to the person suffering from them as well as to the people who witness them.
If you struggle with panic attacks, there is something that you can do. Self care tips can help you cope with a panic attack. Understand that you aren’t out of control. It only feels like you are.
Take deep, steady breaths. Breathing in slowly and letting the air out slowly can help you calm both your racing mind and heart. While you’re doing the breathing, repeat to yourself that everything is going to be okay. Continue reading
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD can strike anyone regardless of age. It can be caused by being affected by or witnessing a trauma. It can also be caused by repeated exposure to trauma.
If you have PTSD, it can affect every area of your life unless you learn how to cope with it. When you understand what you can do to cope, it gives you a feeling of control.
Some self care strategies you can use for dealing with the condition is to first understand that PTSD is not who you are – it’s about what’s happened to you that’s caused a reaction within you.
Some people with the condition tend to keep it inside for fear that people won’t understand what you’re going through or might judge you. PTSD is something that’s important to talk about – especially among people who understand the condition and the toll it can take on you and your loved ones. Continue reading
A breakup can be painful because it’s not just the loss of the other person in your life. It’s a loss for you – for what you wanted from the relationship and what you’d hoped the future would hold.
The relationship represented your belief that the other person was right for you. A breakup signifies the crash and burn of something that was once good. As a result, you can go through feelings of grief, anxiety and more.
You’re suddenly thrown into a different way of life. What you do from the moment of the breakup on is different. You won’t be doing the same things you once did. Shifts are happening everywhere – from where you live if you shared a place – to who you hang out with if you shared a circle of friends with your ex.
What was once a given for you has now become a question mark. You may wonder where you go now, what you’ll do, who’ll you’ll love and who’ll love you in return. Even if the breakup was something that was initiated by you, that doesn’t mean that it was easy for you. Continue reading