There are a lot of people that like to deem themselves as being introverted or extroverted without fully understanding the definition of either personality. Introverts have forever been given the bad end of the stick when it comes to “labeling” personalities.
Most believe that an introverted person is not normal, is a homebody, stuck up, or simply does not enjoy the company of people. Popular to contrary belief, introverts are the exact opposite.
An In Depth Definition
If you were to look up the definition of introvert or introversion you would find a definition similar to this: Introversion is the action of directing one’s own interests towards their own thoughts and feelings as opposed to projecting this into the world.
Those who are introverted get their energy and excitement from who they are internally and thus get replenished through periods of just being alone. While they are great listeners, informed decision makers, and can maintain attention, they are known to only have a small close circle of friends.
There are two types of introverts; those that are self sufficient, diligent, yet distant, and those who have trouble communicating and are very shy. In both instances, being alone is preferred as it restores their energy.
How Culture Responds to Introverts
Every culture responds to introverted personalities differently. For instance, Central Europe and Japan generally love the introverted culture whereas here in the US, it is best to be very extroverted. Depending upon where you live, what your career is, and your overall community of people, being an introvert might be a gift, but in other instances it can be a disadvantage.
Benefits to Having an Introverted Personality
All in all being an introvert has its advantages. Those who are introverted are for the most part very good at listening, and are also known to develop and keep long lasting deep friendships.
Introverts are also highly known for being able to focus, stay on the course at hand, and thus be more effective when it comes to working on very detailed and involved projects. There are even studies that suggest introverts have a better long term memory than extroverted personalities.
Disadvantages to Having an Introverted Personality
There are a lot of problems that introverted candidates face. Most extroverts view introverted personalities as being shy, lack of communication skills, and the appearance of being distant or uninterested in others. This creates huge issues in social and networking settings with unfamiliar groups of people.
One of the most prominent disadvantages to being an introvert is the inability to assert yourself or move forward in professional careers. Those who are introverted are fearful of public speaking, meeting new people, and just striking up a conversation in general. As a result this keeps them from being able to accomplish many things in their careers and their personal life.
If you are introverted and wanting to learn more about how to become an extrovert there are lots of tips and advice out there. The best advice however, is to understand that there’s nothing wrong with you, change is possible but takes time, and that you should not stop being who you naturally are.