Gardening is a great way to not only get in touch with nature, but to practice one of the most soothing forms of self care. Plus, you can grow whatever you like – from flowers to fruits and vegetables.
When you’re digging around in the soil, it gives you an endorphin boosts and your mood lifts. You feel happier and more relaxed. Watching things grow that you planted and nurtured gives you a feeling of having nourished yourself and you’ll be able to see the fruits of your labor.
There’s something positive about sitting outside in the warm, gentle sunshine with the cool soil on your hands. It makes you more aware of yourself and your life. Plus, it helps with the mind, body, and spirit connection.
You’ll feel at peace and the stress just melts away. Digging in the dirt helps bring you back down to earth, to recognize and realize what’s important. It helps you understand that the 101 irritations and the busy life you lead don’t have to weigh you down. Continue reading
There are numerous self care tips everywhere, but one in particular might be the only one that you need. It’s the art of organization. While that might not seem like it’s taking care of yourself, it does more than you know.
Disorganization can affect all areas of your body as well as boost your stress level. Sometimes a lack of organization happens for a period of time such as during a holiday when there are packages and people everywhere.
You get out of your normal routine. But most of the time, disorganization happens because you don’t practice self care in that area of your life. When it comes to disorganization, most people automatically think of things like a home where clutter is piled everywhere.
But disorganization can also happen in other areas like your car, your purse, your finances, your schedule, your to-do list, and your relationships. Clutter, regardless of what form it takes, causes your brain to work harder and try to sort through the mess to find out what should be done next. Continue reading
Women take care of everything and everyone from the minute we wake till we fall asleep, most nights from sheer exhaustion. Shouldn’t that be enough? But it isn’t, because the most important person in that equation is being the one most marginalized.
Women are predisposed to be the carers of the family, no matter what role we’re playing; daughters, wives, mothers, friends. And it’s sucking the life out of us. Meanwhile, the men in our lives don’t get how much we sacrifice to make sure their lives are running smoothly.
Men’s brains are trained to think differently than ours. They don’t feel guilty when they don’t do something they’re supposed to do. Instead, they blame it on someone else, or quite simply, circumstance.
Women, on the other hand, tend to overthink everything, so much so that we lose sleep over it, or wake up suddenly in the middle of the night because we forgot to do so-and-so.
It’s exhausting, and it has to stop! Continue reading