Ashwagandha is a potent Ayurvedic herb that has been used for several thousand years as a way to promote healing. As a component of many new herbal supplements, women are starting to rely on ashwagandha to address their unique health concerns.
What is Ashwagandha?
Ashwagandha (which is Sanskrit for “horse smell”) is an adaptogenic herb that comes from the nightshade family. As it is used to benefit both physical and mental health, it is referred to as a “rasayana” in Ayurvedic medicine. Its numerous benefits include reducing adrenal fatigue, boosting thyroid performance, protecting the brain from cellular damage, and easing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
With its anti-inflammatory properties, ashwagandha is known for its ability to reduce chronic inflammation in individuals with autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren’s syndrome.
How Does Ashwagandha Benefit Women?
Since it relieves stress, ashwagandha protects women from premature aging due to the toll stress can take on the body. It also is known to balance out hormone production, which certainly can benefit women who are going through menopause.
Additionally, since it impacts the hormones and blood flow through the body, sexual health and fertility tend to improve in women who take ashwagandha.
On the cognitive side, ashwaganda protects against the neurological degeneration women face as they age and can even improve visual memory processing. With its role in evening out hormone levels, ashwagandha also acts as a mood stabilizer, which can benefit women who struggle with anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders.
Also, since it provides an extra boost of energy, women who struggle with chronic fatigue can start to feel rejuvenated. This could be especially beneficial to women in their 40’s and 50’s, which is when chronic fatigue symptoms tend to be most prevalent.
Black Cohosh
Black cohosh has been used to assist in women’s healthcare for centuries. This powerful herb can be effective, but it is also associated with strong effects. To get the benefits of black cohosh, it is important to understand what it is and how to use it.
Where Does Black Cohosh Come From?
Black cohosh is a species of plant that is found in eastern North America. The plant has fluffy white flowers, and its flowers, leaves, and roots are all used to create black cohosh extracts. For women’s healthcare, the root of the plant is the most effective part because it seems to have an estrogen like effect.
What Issues Can Black Cohosh Treat?
Over the years, black cohosh has been used for a variety of illnesses, ranging from inducing labor to soothing rheumatism. The herb has strong anti-inflammatory and sedative properties, along with its ability to provide effects like taking estrogen in women. Due to these properties, black cohosh is most frequently used to soothe menopause symptoms, reduce PMS, induce labor, and reduce menstrual cramps.
How Do You Use Black Cohosh?
Black cohosh is generally taken in doses between 20 to 80 milligrams once or twice a day when it is being used to treat female issues. The herb is typically ingested as a pill, but it can occasionally be found as a tincture. Due to its ability to start labor, black cohosh should never be used by pregnant women, and it is not recommended for those with cancer, liver disease, organ transplants, or protein S deficiency.
Dong Quai
Dong quai, a herb known in Latin as Angelica sinensis, is a root that has had been used for centuries in the East because of its medicinal properties. It is a great herb for women and is known as the ‘female ginseng’ of eastern medicine. It has numerous health benefits for women.
Symptoms of Menopause
Dong quai has the ability to relieve the symptoms of menopause. A component of dong quai, ligustilide, has shown to have antispasmodic activity and relax the uterine muscles.
Makes Bones Stronger
Osteoporosis is a leading problem for women in older age. Menopause causes the levels of estrogen to decline and this effects bone density since estrogen regulates bone formation and breakdown.
Reduces Blood Sugar Levels
High blood sugar levels lead to weight loss, increased thirst, and frequent urinating. Dong quai lowers the levels of blood sugar.
Strengthens the Heart
Dong quai decreases cholesterol levels. High cholesterol is the leading cause of heart disease. Dong quai also relieves high blood pressure.
Treats Inflammation
When the body is injured or inflamed for a long time major diseases can spring up. Dong quai reduces inflammation and lowers the risk of more serious health conditions.
Improves Mood and Depression
Dong quai is great for the mental and emotional condition. Dong quai alters the brain processes that are linked to depression and minimizes the risks of it.
Toxins are harmful substances that cause damage to the body. Dong quai achieves the hard task of cleaning out the blood of toxins which reduces overall toxicity of the organism.
Balances the Hormones
Dong quai regulates the levels of estrogen in the female organism. This promotes the health of women. It regulates irregular periods and prevents hormonal disturbances. This improves the way a woman looks and feels.
In this day and age, it seems as though herbal supplements are everywhere. They all promise natural health benefits and it can be hard to decipher what ones are important. One herb that has been gaining popularity for its proven health benefits is fenugreek.
What It Is
Fenugreek is a type of plant that can be used for both cooking and medicinal purposes. In cooking, the leaves are most commonly used; the seeds are ground and used as a health supplement.
Milk Production
One of the main groups that will benefit from taking fenugreek regularly is women. This is true because this herb is labeled as a galactagogue. This means that it will help stimulate milk production in lactating women. It can be used as an aide to help bring on lactation or as something to encourage a larger milk supply.
Menopausal Aide
Fenugreek is also beneficial in treating hot flashes and other menopausal symptoms in women. A compound that is found in fenugreek acts similar to how estrogen normally does in the body. Instead of experiencing the effects of this hormone dropping during menopause, women are able to have diminished symptoms that are much more tolerable.
Treatment of Eating Disorders
Women are the largest population of having reported eating disorders, and research suggests that fenugreek can play a role in the treatment of these diseases. While the herb does not prevent issues from anorexia nervosa from occurring, it does help patients by increasing their appetite and motivation to eat.
Foods that are straight from the earth are healthy. Most people know this, but did you know that some foods that don’t smell so good are very good for you.
Garlic is one of them. There are fewer foods that are more potent for women’s health than garlic. Let’s discuss three ways that it is beneficial for the female body.
Increases Vaginal Health
Got a yeast infection? Eat some garlic. Although you can chop it up and cook it to lessen the natural taste that it has, garlic is more potent when eaten raw.
However, if you want to fend off vaginal yeast infections, consume it daily. Eat it religiously to keep your v healthy and infection-free. The good thing about this method is that it is perfectly fine to cook it before consuming it because there is no infection to fight off; you are just doing a bit of preventative maintenance!
Helps You to Grow Long Locks
Garlic is packed with allicin, which helps treat hair loss. Rubbing slices of garlic cloves on your scalp can help you to retain your hair.
Not only that, garlic is also effective at ridding your scalp of dandruff, so this small food has multiple benefits for your hair and packs a mighty punch.
Fights Cancer
No woman wants breast cancer. As it turns out, garlic has what it takes to help women prevent it.
Garlic prevents the formation of cancer-causing substances and has been shown to prevent stomach and colon cancer as well.
Just ensure that you consume raw garlic because it is not yet clear as to whether or not garlic capsules are potent enough to stave off cancer.
In addition to being a tasty spice popularly used in cooking, ginger has a wide variety of health benefits. Its array of nutrients and healthy compounds provide many positive benefits for women, and its versatility ensures that these benefits can be harnessed in a variety of manners that you don’t want to miss out on.
What is Ginger?
Ginger is a flowering plant whose root is commonly used for cooking and medicinal purposes. The thick root has a bark-like covering that can be peeled away to reveal the light interior that is best for use. This root has been used for centuries, and it has been adapted into various forms for use, including powder and paste, and can even be used for beverages.
Ginger can be eaten fresh, added to food and drinks for flavor, cooked as a sweet candy, made into oils and creams, and much more.
Benefits of Ginger for Women’s Health
Specifically for women, ginger provides a wide array of health benefits. Consuming ginger can help with mood swings or lack of energy associated with menstruation and pregnancy because it increases alertness, relieves cramps, and boosts overall energy.
For pregnant women or women who simply experience nausea, ginger can reduce dizziness and morning sickness.
This versatile root can also reduce risk of heart disease, the flu, and other similar sicknesses. Consuming this spice reduces cholesterol and risk of forming blood clots. It can also boost metabolism, which can lead to weight loss, reducing the risk for heart-related issues.
Ginger cough drops and drinking ginger tea are popular in fighting colds because they strengthen the immune system and reduce inflammation.
Ginger can be used outside of consumption as well. Adding ginger to hair products or face masks can result in thicker and shinier hair and skin that is smoother, brighter, and less prone to breakouts. Ginger creams, oils, compresses, and other products can be used to relieve muscle soreness, arthritis pain, fungal infections, menstrual cramps, and inflammation.
Maca is a very powerful root that can have many great benefits, especially for hormones. Maca root is safe to take daily but it is very potent and can have powerful effects.
Maintains Bone Density
Maca is widely known for its power to balance hormones as well as symptoms of menopause in women. Due to its positive effects on menopause and the hormones involved in this process, it is also associated with improved bone density. During menopause, bone density is a big issue for women, especially those with a family history of osteoporosis.
Enhances Energy and Mood
Since Maca is known to be full of vitamins and essential fatty acids, it is commonly taken to support athletic performance, energy, and mood. The nutrients in maca, such as zinc, other minerals, and protein are known to support energy levels and brain health. Maca can be taken to help alleviate symptoms that come along with depression and stress.
Increases Fertility
Recently it has become more common for people to resort to natural alternatives for infertility and Maca is one of them. It has a positive effect on the pituitary gland, which releases serum luteinizing hormone. This hormone plays a big role in fertility.
Enhances Sexual Function
Maca is known to be a powerful aphrodisiac. Women taking the highest dose of Maca root daily, which is three grams, can expect to see improvements in sexual function. With consistent use, the root can have a positive effect on desire and satisfaction. Women with sexual dysfunction can have great benefits from taking Maca.
Maca is widely available in many health stores and markets. It can be found alone or combined with other supplements. It is commonly sold in a powder form, which can be easily sprinkled in many foods and beverages.
Red Clover
Red clover is a plant that grows commonly in pastures and grassy meadows across the United States. It gets its name from the dark pink flower that grows in the center of its cluster of leaves that all have three sections. But it is actually more closely related to the legume family of plants.
For many years, red clover was regarded as nothing more than cattle fodder, since cows and horses seem to enjoy grazing on it so much. Recent attention to its special compounds that aid in women’s health issues has started to change this though. Just a few of the benefits that it has to offer include:
Menopause Relief
Red clover contains isoflavones that act in a similar way to estrogen. So it is can help women who are struggling with the uncomfortable symptoms from lower hormone levels due to aging, such as hot flashes and insomnia.
Women who are not yet menopausal can take red clover when they are struggling to conceive a child. It seems to work by balancing hormone levels and improving blood circulation to the reproductive organs.
Some women have said that it has even helped them get pregnant after a tubal ligation was done since it promotes the healing of old scar tissue. But, doctors say that this shouldn’t be attempted because it could lead to a dangerous ectopic pregnancy.
Water Retention
When taken in the proper dose, this flower helps flush out waste and excess water that is causing uncomfortable bloating. So many herbalists recommend its use with other natural diuretics, such as dandelion leaves. Taking too much of it can lead to the opposite effect occurring though.
Increased Bone Density
Women have a higher risk of developing osteoporosis as they age because they no longer produce enough estrogen to keep their bones strong. So when they take red clover, this may aid in less bone loss over time.
Dubbed the “golden herb,” turmeric is a yellow-orange plant that’s native to Southeast Asia. It’s become increasing popular in recent years thanks to the health benefits it offers. While everyone can benefit from taking turmeric supplements, it’s particularly beneficial for women.
Affecting up to 10 percent of all women, endometriosis is a common condition that’s characterized by tissue growth outside of the uterus. It has also been shown to help stop endometrial cells from growing.
Women who experience painful, long menstrual cycles should consider taking a turmeric supplement. This natural herb has been shown to ease menstrual pains, cramps, inflammation and general discomfort.
By taking turmeric, women can often reduce or eliminate their use of over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen and acetaminophen, which can damage internal organs. And, because it stimulates blood flow, the herb also helps to normalize cycles.
The average woman will go through menopause around the age of 45 to 50, during which she’ll experience a wide range of unpleasant symptoms like fatigue, hot flashes, sweating, trouble sleeping, anxiety and irritability. While there’s no way to prevent this female biochemical process, turmeric may offer relief of its symptoms.
Research has shown that menopausal and post-menopausal hot flashes are linked to low antioxidant levels in the body. With its antioxidant properties, turmeric restores these levels and reduces the severity of hot flashes and other symptoms.
Youthful Skin
Finally, turmeric promotes healthy, youthful skin while minimizing the appearance of wrinkles. Again, this is because turmeric has antioxidant properties that fight and neutralize free radicals. When left unchecked, harmful compounds known as free radicals stimulate skin aging and wrinkling. Women can protect their skin from damage, however, by taking a turmeric supplement.
Its scientific name is vitex agnus-castus, but most women know it as the incredible herb contained in the chasteberry fruit from the lilac chaste tree. Vitex has a spicy medicinal scent, and many view it as a lifesaver.
Vitex for Regaining Monthly Control
Vitex has a long history of use by women when it comes to balancing their periods. Studies have shown that the herb from the mint family has a natural progesterone-like effect, which may account for its popular use in the support of women’s reproductive health.
Chasteberry supplements are often recommended for a range of menstrual issues that include PMS, period acne, breast tenderness, bloating, insomnia and moodiness.
Although vitex does not contain hormones, experts believe the unique herb is able to affect a woman’s hormonal activity by stimulating the pituitary gland. More luteinizing hormone is then produced, and the ovaries begin increasing their production of progesterone. The cycle starts operating again in its normal monthly routine.
Much More than a Menstrual Adjuster
Vitex is also seen as an exceptional healthy herb to use for menopausal symptoms. In addition, the chasteberry herb is beneficial when it comes to relieving the common cold, inflammation and swelling, migraines, headaches and joint problems.
The herb also seems to have a calming effect on the digestive system, the spleen, liver and uterus. When applied topically as an oil, the herb promotes a gentle, relaxing state of being.
Vitex Versatility for Non-Pregnant Women
Herbal experts recommend that chasteberry oil should be avoided by pregnant or nursing mothers as well as children.
Most women do not develop side effects, but vitex can cause dizziness, dry mouth and nausea in some.
Vitex is available as a liquid extract in capsules or pills and as chasteberry tea.
There is a glaring health problem that’s prevalent in almost every demographic in America and it’s commonly ignored as something we simply have to live with.
It’s called fatigue, and it can cripple your way of life and spiral out of control unless you take the reins and do something about it. Even doctors have been known to brush off the signs and symptoms of this condition unless the patient is adamant about getting the help and treatment they deserve.
Has Your Quality of Life Deteriorated Due to Fatigue?
When fatigue strikes, most people just chalk it up to a normal condition they have to endure due to a busy schedule or a less than perfectly fit body. But you don’t have to live with fatigue.
You can do something about it if you are aware that it’s happening and proactive in your response. Your body gives off many signs that your energy stores are becoming depleted.
Some of the symptoms that your energy levels are decreasing can be minimal in terms of how they affect your life, while others can be quite debilitating. One sign that your body needs help with energy restoration is that you begin craving sweets.
Sugar can give you a quick spike in energy levels, so when your body is feeling tired, it instantly craves something that can help it. The problem is, sugar is a temporary fix, and as soon as it wears off, you come crashing down – feeling more lethargic than you did before.
One of the most obvious signs that you’re suffering from fatigue is that you keep craving sleep. It seems as if you never get a nap, and each morning when you wake up, instead of starting your day off full of energy – you start off wishing you could go back to bed.
You may even have to sneak in naps throughout your day whenever possible. But even that may not be enough to make up for the sleep your body feels its missing. Do you become easily tired when doing simple activities?
If you tend to get winded after walking a short period of time, and the fatigue of everyday life is wearing you down, then this is a sign that your fatigue has gotten out of control.
Not only should your body have enough energy to support you throughout your day, but you should have enough to engage in more vigorous activities from time to time. Some people suffer from muscle weakness when their fatigue has spiraled out of control.
If it drains you to carry in the groceries or walk up a single flight of stairs, then your muscles are suffering from fatigue as well. Weight gain is a serious sign of diminished energy.
When people become overly lethargic, the sedentary lifestyle can cause the pounds to pile on. You have to be active and eating proper portions in order to maintain or lose weight.
Unfortunately, weight gain will cause the fatigue to get worse – so it’s a vicious cycle. Conversely, some people experience trouble eating or having no appetite when they’re suffering from fatigue.
They may be too tired to prepare meals or simply too stressed out to focus on food above all of their other problems in life. Some people may not be aware of this, but if your memory has gotten worse, it can also be a sign that fatigue has taken over and impaired this part of your brain function.
It may not be as serious as forgetting your entire life, but you may find it difficult to recall simple things that you should be able to during moments when you’re overly exhausted. Sometimes pain can show up when fatigue is a problem.
Many people who suffer from this condition also experience frequent headaches or even serious migraines. You’ll notice once your fatigue clears up that the headaches disappear or diminish.
If you feel overly nervous or anxious, this can be a sign of fatigue as well. When your energy stores are full, you have the clarity and stamina to handle anything in life. But when you’re tired and stressed, it can all seem overwhelming.
If you’re getting sick a lot, fatigue may be the cause. People who don’t get enough sleep and who suffer from chronic stress often have an impaired immune system. This means you’ll catch more common colds and other ailments than the average person whose energy stores are topped off.
Fatigue doesn’t just show up as a series of physical signs and symptoms. It also takes an emotional toll on your well-being. Some people feel so out of sorts that it’s almost as if they’re a bystander in their own life, watching it all unfold like it’s on a movie screen.
They’re too tired and drained to actively participate, so they simply go through the motions. They’re not mentally or emotionally present and participating in their life. People who are suffering from chronic fatigue often have severe mood swings.
They may go from happy one moment to angry or sad the next. Or, they may simply stay agitated on a continual basis due to the low level of energy they have available to fight everyday stress.
These people generally feel very overwhelmed with life. Even small decisions – such as what they’re going to cook for dinner for their family that night – can cause an overwhelming sense of dread.
When major stress strikes, they’re even less equipped to handle it and may simply shut down. Those with a problem with fatigue, often experience a sense of low self-esteem. Sometimes, this occurs because they don’t have the energy required to put their best selves forward.
Therefore, they are unhappy with what they’re presenting to the world and very critical of themselves. People with low energy stores often have an inability to calm their mind. When stress takes a toll, they can’t quiet it and simply rest and relax.
It plays in a loop inside their head, making them feel more and more drained as every minute ticks by throughout the day. If you have been aware of your fatigue, and possibly even been able to fix this problem in the past, you may start to wonder why your previous efforts are no longer working.
This is a sign that the fatigue has become a more serious problem in your life. It’s no longer as simple as making sure you get a good night’s sleep – it may be a complete lifestyle overhaul that’s required.
Quick fixes that may have worked in the past, but now you’re finding less helpful these days may include things such as an energy drink or a power protein bar. This type of edible energy solution may work for a shorter period of time until it doesn’t work anymore because the root of your fatigue issue hasn’t been addressed.
Cat naps, which may have sustained you in the past and helped you restore your energy levels, may not be effective any longer. In fact, napping may even be sabotaging your ability to fully restore your energy levels in the long run.
For those who suffer from fatigue due to stress, you may have been using deep breathing or relaxation techniques as a way to fight off the feeling of lethargy. And now, you realize it’s not working as effectively for you anymore.
If any of this rings true for you, it’s a sign that you need to dig deeper into the issue of energy and fatigue and pinpoint the problems and solutions that correspond to your life. Everyone is different in terms of what’s causing their energy levels to be depleted as well as which solutions will work best for them.
Your Diet Can Drain Your Energy
When your energy levels are low, it may simply be the result of a poor diet. Your body has certain nutritional needs that allow it to recover and repair itself and provide you with the energy you need to get through each day.
Some foods detract from the amount of energy that you have, while other foods contribute to your stores of energy. The first thing you want to do is focus on eating the right kinds of carbs.
Some carbs give you immediate energy, but results in a crash soon thereafter. For example, eating a sugar-laden cinnamon roll in the morning might give you a little boost, but an hour later you could find yourself getting tired.
You always want to pair a carbohydrate with a protein whenever you eat. This helps you stabilize your blood sugar levels and prevent crashes throughout the day. So for instance, you may want to enjoy some fruit for breakfast, and pair it with a couple of scrambled eggs.
Proteins will provide your body with that full sensation so that you aren’t constantly craving more food. Focus on lean proteins instead of fatty ones. You also want to enjoy plenty of vegetables in a wide variety of colors along with one or two servings of nuts each day.
If you do need carbs for energy for an activity, use fruit instead of sugar. Fruit does contain sugar, but it’s a natural kind and is healthier for you in the long run. What kinds of foods should you avoid that may steal your energy?
First, anytime you eat out at a fast food restaurant, it has the potential to diminish your energy stores. It’s always better to cook at home whenever possible. If you do eat out at a restaurant, look for healthier options and those that will sustain your energy levels rather than provide a quick fix.
Stay away from fried foods whenever possible. There are many other ways to cook meats and other foods that don’t require lots of oil to cook them. You may want to invest in an air fryer if you still want the tasty crunch that fried foods often provide.
Whenever energy is a problem, you may want to stay away from turkey, which has tryptophan. This is often joked about whenever people think of Thanksgiving and how they have to nap after eating – but it’s a very real occurrence, since tryptophan will make you sleepy.
Try to avoid carbs like pasta whenever you’re trying to stay energetic throughout the day. Avoid as much junk food as you can. Start your day off with a nutritious breakfast that includes a protein and a carb and plan your other two meals to do the same.
Sometimes, it’s not the food itself that poses a problem – but the way you eat it that drains your energy. For example, eating too much in one sitting can often contribute to the fatigue that you feel during the day.
Stuffing yourself is not the way to gain energy. Ideally, You will have six small meals during the day. That includes three main meals and three snacks. Consuming food this way helps keep your metabolism revved up and gives you energy simultaneously.
You also want to avoid eating too late at night. Heading to the refrigerator right before bed disrupts your sleep. It can often result in a bout of acid reflux. Try to have your meals at least three hours before bedtime.
Going to bed in a state where you’re not hungry, but you’re also not full is ideal. When you want to focus on your nutritional habits and how they affect your fatigue, you want to look at everything – what you’re eating, how much you’re eating, and when you’re eating it. Make small changes over time instead of drastically altering your entire way of life.
Habits that Drain Your Energy
If fatigue is causing you problems, it may be time to change some of your existing habits. Everyone has habits that can be detrimental in their life, but some can cause more damage than others when it comes down to how much energy you have or don’t have.
Sometimes, the bad habit is nothing more than you needing to add something to your daily routine. For example, whenever you don’t drink enough water, you will suffer from mild dehydration symptoms.
Dehydration drains your body of its energy and most people don’t take into consideration how simple activities can cause them to become dehydrated. Add exercise or increased activity to that equation and you have a recipe for disaster.
It doesn’t have to be a severe case of dehydration to cause a drain on your energy. You don’t have to be walking in the desert for days to get dehydrated. Even waking up in the morning, you should make it a point to consume water, because your body has gone without it as you slept.
Sometimes, it’s not what you need to add to your life – but what you need to take away that will ultimately give you more energy. For example, some people use alcohol to unwind at the end of a hard day.
Normally, there’s nothing wrong with this habit – but if you are suffering from fatigue, you may want to either reduce or eliminate alcohol from your diet. Alcohol itself has sedative properties, which cause your blood sugar levels to rise and then crash.
Another bad habit that you may want to eliminate in order to give you more energy is smoking. Some people smoke because they say it calms their nerves during stressful times.
But smoking also restrict your blood flow, which can cause your energy levels to decrease. Nicotine is a stimulant and it can make you feel restless initially, and then zap your energy shortly after.
Sleeping Affects Your Energy
Some people go to bed at a certain time and get up the next morning and assume they’ve had a full night’s sleep. But sometimes, your fatigue is caused by a less than perfect night of sleep.
There’s a right and a wrong way to get enough rest. First, you want to have a good sleeping environment. This is often known as sleep hygiene. The perfect sleep environment will be free from distractions.
This means that you’re not working or watching TV in the bedroom. Any kind of technology should be kept in other rooms, not only so that they aren’t tempting to you, but because many of them emit a low light that can interrupt your sleep and cause fatigue.
When you set your alarm, try to keep it positioned out of your reach. This makes it harder for you to hit the snooze button when the alarm goes off in the morning. Hitting the snooze button can actually make you feel more sluggish, whereas waking up and putting your feet on the ground to get your day going can start you off with more energy.
Getting enough sleep is very important, but you don’t want to get too much sleep. This can also contribute to fatigue if you’re not careful. Too much sleep leads to low energy levels, and this can make you feel drained all day.
It puts your sleep cycle out of whack where you begin depending on more sleep to get you through the day because it’s become a habit. Try to get yourself on a schedule that stays the same seven days a week.
Go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every day. Allow yourself plenty of rest, which for adults is between 7 to 9 hours. Everyone is different, and as you age you may need less sleep, but aim for a healthy amount.
Your Morning Schedule Can Drain Your Energy
Have you ever felt fatigued before you even left your house in the morning? Maybe you woke up feeling rested, but by the time you were leaving the house, you were already drained.
Some people have a very chaotic morning routine that can deplete all of their energy stores quickly. Your body needs a bit of time to wake up in the morning. Allow yourself time to casually open your eyes take some deep breaths and rise without rushing.
You don’t need to launch right into all of your tasks for the day the second your feet hit the floor. Give yourself a way to ease into your day, whether that’s through meditation, reading the morning newspaper, or sipping a cup of coffee and doing nothing at all.
You want to avoid tackling stressful things immediately. Don’t wake up and instantly begin paying all of your bills for the day. Don’t try to handle a major health crisis or family drama in your first hour awake.
Avoid checking your emails and work related tasks until it’s time to address those topics. Stressful things can drain your energy quickly and you don’t want to start your day that way.
Nutritionally, make sure that you never skip your breakfast. You don’t want to start on a cycle of caffeine and sugar with nothing else in your system, because your energy levels will crash quickly.
Instead, make sure you have some lean protein paired with some carbs in the morning. If you skip your breakfast, your metabolism will slow down. Your body has already been without food as you slept, so now it is looking for some fuel to get going.
Exercise Can Give or Drain Energy
Many people falsely believe that if they exercise, it will make them feel even more tired. Actually, the reverse is true in most cases. Putting yourself on an exercise regimen will help you build stamina and energy stores over a long period of time.
One of the reasons that exercise contributes to better energy levels is because it improves your blood circulation. When your blood is circulating better, you feel energized.
It wakes you up internally and gives you the boost that you need to complete your tasks during the day. Exercise is also a powerful mental motivator. It helps you clear your mind and makes it easier to focus.
When your mental energy is alert, it helps you restore your physical energy levels. Emotionally, exercise calms your stress levels, which can drain your energy as well. If you have the stress hormone cortisol coursing throughout your body, then you can fight it by releasing endorphins that you gain when exercising.
Just because exercise has benefits that allow you to fight fatigue, it doesn’t mean that you should overdo it. Too much exercise is equally damaging. You have to have a balance. Make sure you’re not using exercise as a way to avoid dealing with the issues in your life.
Work Habits Drain Your Energy
You may be very dedicated to your career, and that’s an admirable quality to have. But sometimes, we neglect our physical and emotional well-being in order to accomplish tasks at work.
If you work at an office job, where you’re sitting eight hours a day, you may feel like you have no reason to feel fatigued. After all, it’s not as if you were on your feet all day. But being sedentary can actually cause you to not have as much energy.
You need to take frequent breaks – even if it’s only for a few minutes. Make sure you get up and walk around so that your blood can circulate and you will remain alert and aware during the day.
Walk the hallways, or go up and down a flight of stairs to keep from being completely sedentary. Analyze the task you do at work each and every day. Do they all need to be done while sitting, or is there an opportunity for you to stand and move around as you accomplish them?
You may be able to take a phone call while pacing, or go to see a colleague in your office rather than email them or talk on the phone. Another work habit that may need to be limited is multitasking.
Many people mistakenly believe that they get more done if they’re doing several things at once, but even though it appears that way, multitasking can sometimes drain your energy because you weren’t focusing on completing one job at a time and you can become easily overwhelmed.
Energy Boosters for the Afternoon
Many people suffer from fatigue at a certain time of the day. Maybe they start their morning feeling energetic, but by mid-afternoon, they’re already tired. If this describes you, you may want to select some strategic energy boosters for your afternoon schedule.
Sometimes, this can be remedied with a simple vitamin supplement regimen. You’ll need to be tested to see if your blood is deficient in certain vitamins before you start taking any.
But, if your vitamin D is deficient, for example, then you may find that taking a simple D3 supplement helps you maintain energy levels throughout the day without a midday slump.
Some people can get away with a very short, five minute deep breathing activity. Getting enough oxygen can help you feel more energetic and refreshed to finish out your day strong.
You may even want to engage in a short meditation session, and nobody even needs to know that this is what you’re doing. Another thing you can do if you suffer from midday fatigue is to eat an energy snack.
The process of eating restores some of your energy levels, regardless of what you eat. But you want to avoid the vending machine, which is packed with unhealthy foods – and instead bring a healthy snack such as a fruit and protein from home.
You can also leave your work area temporarily and take a walk. Getting up and moving around will give you more energy. Make sure you’re not taking a smoke break. This will have the opposite effect.
Taking a physical and mental break from work in the middle of the day can sometimes reinvigorate you and provide you with enough energy until bedtime. Use your breaks strategically and do something that gives you energy, rather than drains it.
Use Natural Energy Boosts
There are many things you can do to fight fatigue that don’t require taking any supplements or going to a doctor for a prescription. You can try natural remedies to see if they assist you in getting more energy.
The first thing you can do is to make sure you’re spending plenty of time outside in the sun. You have to be careful to wear sunscreen and avoid getting skin cancer, but once you protect your skin, it is beneficial for you to get fresh air and natural vitamin D from the sun.
Sometimes, when people are suffering from fatigue, they tend to stay indoors and rest more than they should. Getting outside and walking, gardening, or even resting in the sun can help you get a good night’s sleep where you will have more energy the following day.
Another thing you might try that can naturally help you fight fatigue is to start listening to music that you enjoy on a regular basis. Music can give you an instant energy boost. You can move to it as exercise or simply allow it to calm your frazzled nerves.
Music can help put issues into perspective and it can also give you a mental break whenever you are feeling overwhelmed from the chaos of your day. You may want to pick music that you naturally enjoy, but don’t be afraid to try new sounds that you typically wouldn’t listen to for sheer entertainment purposes.
While exercise is a great energy booster over a long period of time, you don’t have to engage in vigorous cardiovascular or strength training exercises to enjoy the benefits. You can start a simple stretching routine that can help you fight fatigue and restore your energy levels.
Doing a short mini stretch routine can boost your energy because it helps your blood circulate throughout your system. This improved blood flow will give more oxygen to your muscles, allowing them to physically support you as you move from place to place. You don’t have to do it for very long – just long enough to loosen up your muscles.
Ending Your Day with the Right Energy
People who suffer from fatigue often head to bed without any resolution or strategy for improving their energy levels for the following day. Most people who come home from a hard day at work simply want to sit, watch TV, and eat.
This adds to the fatigue and can become a horrible cycle that makes it impossible to feel energetic. It’s okay to rest when you come home from work, but then get up and do a little work around the house or go for a walk before or after dinner.
This can eliminate that tired feeling you suffer from, even if initially you feel a bit more tired. Give it some time to work. Make sure you skip the drive-through on your way home from work.
Some people who suffer from fatigue are so tired, that they can’t fathom having to cook dinner at the end of a hard day. But loading up on fast food at the end of the day will deplete your energy stores later.
Make sure you choose lighter meals, not heavy ones, because they are more easily digested and better for you in terms of being able to get a good night’s sleep. They will also help you avoid packing on the pounds, which is something that contributes to fatigue in the first place.
If you want to, you can do a bit of light exercise in the evening. Now is not the time to engage in too much exercise. You don’t want to be too riled up before bed. Try to do some light exercises such as Pilates or yoga.
Addressing a problem such as fatigue is never a cut and dry issue. Everyone is different, and every solution will affect each individual differently. What works for one person may not work for you.
Make a plan of attack to improve your energy levels over time. First, analyze what your current life situation is like. Take a look at your habits and routines as well as your stress levels and sleep habits and see if you’re making any glaring mistakes that could be zapping your energy from you.
Slowly begin replacing the negative items with routines, mindset shifts, and tasks that will support you in your quest for more energy. Don’t try to change your entire life in one day.
This will be overwhelming and frustrating and can cause you to give up. As you implement a variety of suggestions and solutions, make sure you track which ones are working and which ones are not.
Give each one enough time to have an effect on your body and mind. You want to be methodical with the implementation of an energy action plan.
Have you ever gone to a crowded bar and found yourself sitting in the corner with your drink wondering why you ever showed up? Well, if your answer is yes, you’re not alone. There are tons of people out there that just don’t feel comfortable in certain social settings.
In most cases, these people are more introverted and prefer to be in the relaxing confinement of their homes away from all stress and drama. While this can be nice from time to time, being a “homebody” can be somewhat lonely after a while, which is why learning ways to be more comfortable is advised.
Be Prepared
A lot of times people feel uncomfortable in social settings because they simply feel as if they don’t fit in. Your uniqueness could be exactly what makes you stand out, but until you start developing relationships, you’ll never know. Continue reading