There are lots of people out there who wish that they were more outgoing but can’t seem to figure out what’s holding them back. By nature, everyone is not the same and thus your social life should not be compared to anyone else.
Those who are not outgoing are generally very introverted people. They tend to stay low key and go under the radar during most occasions. While introverts can certainly have their positive qualities the shyness often leaves them out of a lot of exciting things. Below are some tips you could try to improve that.
Spend More Time with Others
The first order of business is to just spend more time around people. They only way you’re going to be encouraged to get out and develop new relationships is if you begin cultivating relationships. You shouldn’t start with something huge like a club where you’re likely to feel out of place and shy, consider a smaller social event. Continue reading
Procrastination makes people feel elated initially. They don’t have to deal with a situation or task at that moment in time. But, for most of these situations, there will come a time when it needs to get done. The feeling of elation turns to panic. Then panic becomes a rush to figure out ways to handle the situation.
When you compare this to people who don’t procrastinate, they may not get that initial surge of elation. However, they also don’t have to worry about the panic setting in. All things being equal, these non-procrastinators will not be as stressed out.
It’s proven that stress can lead to disease. The resources that your body needs to fend off disease will be diverted to handling your stress. Short-term stress is not likely to impact health as much as stress that is constant. Continue reading
How much more could you accomplish in a month if you could manage your tendency to be lazy? Dealing with laziness is something we all face. Learn to tame your lazy desires, and your productivity will go through the roof. Your self-esteem will get a shot in the arm, too.
Use these techniques to conquer your laziness and be more productive:
1 – Remember why you’re doing it in the first place. Why did you originally want to do the thing you’re avoiding? There must be a long-term benefit. It might be looking great at the beach or as mundane as satisfying your boss and keeping your job. Consider your initial motivation.
2 – List the benefits you’ll gain. If you’re feeling lazy, you’re focusing on the fact that you don’t feel like doing it. Instead, consider what you’ll gain. Suppose you’re learning to play the guitar but can’t stand the thought of practicing. What do you gain by practicing each day? Continue reading