As women age, they must be more attentive and strategic about maintaining good health. Even more important, is preventing aging associated issues when younger. You don’t want to reach a certain age and then have to play catch up because of a lack of preventative maintenance…
While we don’t have a choice in whether we age or not, we do have a choice as to follow proven and effective tips to keep from running into age related issues.
A healthy woman requires a healthy routine and a healthy overall lifestyle.
No worries, we’ve comprised a list of “5 Must Have Health Tips for the Aging Woman” …
1 – Don’t Skip Your Checkups
Such a crucial step for maintaining proper health; many women worldwide and on a yearly basis neglect to identify a serious health condition with a simple doctor’s visit. Continue reading
Midlife crises are so common that most everyone has heard of them. However, it seems that you hear far more about male midlife crises than those experienced by women.
We know the male midlife crisis frequently involves hair dying, club-hopping, buying expensive items like fancy cars, or even starting scandalous relationships, but what does a female midlife crisis look like?
One of the biggest problems facing women approaching the age of 50 that are close to suffering a midlife crisis is identity issues. In this article, we’re going to discuss why this is, how to identify it, and what you can do to help.
Why are Identity Issues So Prevalent in Women Turning 50?
Women are asked to give up quite a bit in their daily lives and this was all the more relevant to those approaching 50 now than it will be for those turning 50 a decade or later from now. Continue reading
As we age, our bodies start to change and show signs of our aging. We take longer to heal, our muscle function weakens, and our blood flow starts to slow down. It’s common to feel like your body is showing its wear and tear from its years of experience.
Due to these changes, it’s common for women to experience body image issues as they approach 50. There a number of contributing factors to this.
Society’s Focus on Appearance
It’s painfully true that, as a society, we put a lot of stock in people’s appearances. Body image issues have become more and more common as technology and media advances.
Older women tend to feel ignored, forgotten, and unnoticed; it’s also common to feel as if they’re past their prime and being replaced by younger women. These feelings are often caused by insecurity in their body image. Continue reading