Every person has a certain knack for something, certain skills they possess that make them stand out among the crowd, and has certain talents. The interesting thing is that, in life, it really doesn’t matter all that much what talents and skills you have, but rather how you choose to use them.
Making the most of the assets you’ve worked hard to harness and cultivate is essential to living your life to its fullest and bringing all you can to the table in an effort to help and support your community and the world.
Why Should You Try to Make the Most Out of Your Assets
Your unique set of gifts, talents, and skills serve a distinct purpose in furthering society. Every individual has something unique and wonderful that they bring to the table. They have a different viewpoint, different solutions, and unique ideas that help to further the careers they embark on and the products they create. Continue reading
Our lives are filled with endless experiences and choices that shape who we are as people. Each and every experience in your life is another chance for you to change and grow. But how do these experiences shape us?
Some make us more trusting, while others lead us to be more weary of those around us.
Some make us more generous to others, while others can help us be kinder to ourselves. In this article, we’re going to walk you through a few of the myriad ways that your experiences shape you.
Your Experiences Can Help You Better Yourself
We all go through difficult times, trials and hardships, and make mistakes in our lives, but how do those negative experiences work to shape us as people? There are a number of ways these types of experiences can shape you. Continue reading
Visualization is one of the most powerful tools we have as humans to accomplish incredible feats and make our dreams come true. Although it is too often dismissed, numerous studies indicate that our brains don’t differentiate between reality and imagination. In other words, the more we imagine something, the more we can trick our brain into believing it is true.
Goals are good to have, of course, and written goals are even better. But when you visually translate your goals onto a vision board, something magical happens. That’s because the more detail we “imagine” our goal with, the more real it becomes in our minds, and the greater potential it has to become reality.
It’s a fact that what we focus on expands. Just think about an example in your own life that proves this point. Have you ever had something brought to your attention that you never thought of before but then it just keeps on appearing everywhere? Continue reading