Life never sits still. It’s fluid – always moving, always changing. Sometimes, change is good, but sometimes, it’s not. The people in your life might be the reason for the change.
You may marry or divorce. You may lose a loved one. Sometimes a job change is necessary, but it could be that you may lose a career that you loved. You may have to sell a house or buy one.
Change is something that can be easy to deal with and you might feel excited and ready for it. But sometimes, it wasn’t what you wanted and you weren’t expecting it. That can be excruciating to handle.
There are ways that you can cope with change, and learning how to cope is an important part of self care. Remember that you’re not a robot. You’re going to feel a wide range of emotions. Continue reading
With every election, people on both sides of the political fence feel the effect of whether their pick wins or loses. Sometimes, an election can be particularly stressful and when that happens, the stress can manifest outwardly with physical and emotional ailments.
Some people report feeling anxious or depressed. Politics always brings out the worst in people and that can spill over into the office atmosphere, in numerous places on social media and among friends or family.
People have been bombarded with conversations centered around the division among political parties as well as among those who support those parties. This constant bathing in negativity can cause a lot of inner turmoil. Continue reading
Everyone has someone difficult in their lives. It could be a family member, a friend or a coworker. There’s the drama queen – this person lives and breathes drama (his or her own or someone else’s). Nothing is a simply reaction – everything is an overreaction.
Then there’s the complainer – the person who never seems to be happy or satisfied with anything or anyone. They continually gripe. There’s the dream killer. Whatever dream you want to do or you’re excited about, they’re going to tell you everything that’s going to go wrong and give you case after case of people who tried and flopped.
You might have a perfectionist in your life, or a know it all – or someone who’s sarcastic or ridicules people. You may have that person who makes hurtful, snide remarks then says they were just joking. Continue reading